St John Fisher RC Primary School

Come Follow Me and I Will Make You Fishers of Men

Manor Road, Manchester, Lancashire, M34 7SW, United Kingdom


‘Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men’As we walk in the footsteps of Jesus we let our FAITH shine through our prayers, thoughts, words and actions.We welcome you as we would welcome our friends and family with LOVE, respect and compassion.We seek to be the best in all that we learn and do, showing creativity, self-belief and PASSION for learning and life.We will have COURAGE to change the world for the good of others and be proactive in protecting all of God’s creation. FAITH LOVE PASSION COURAGE

The Bike Track

We all had an amazing time visiting the bike track for our PE sessions. We all grew in confidence and skills.

Portland Basin

Discovery Class enjoyed their visit to Portland Basin.

Monkey Forest

Apollo class had an amazing time at Monkey Forest.

A barbary macaque monkey
A barbary macaque monkey

Forest Schools

We collected items from the forest and then used them to make our own wind chimes.

Down on The Farm

Discovery Class have been producing lots of art work to add to their farm themed wall art.

Aren't they talented! 

Let's get the background ready!
Let's get the background ready!

L.S Lowry

'He painted matchstick men and matchstick cats and dogs.'

Apollo Class have been looking at the art work of L.S Lowry. 

Don't you think their work is amazing!! 

Maths Is Fun!

Time To Dance


Apollo Class have been learning about famous pices of art work. Do you recognise the pictures?

Discovery Class love doing yoga.

Can you do the downward dog?

Christmas Celebrations 2021

'Our Marvellous Medicines'

Apollo Class have been reading and watching 'George's Marvellous Medicine' as part of their English work.

They wrote ingredients for their own 'Marvellous Medicines' and imagined what the magic would do. They also had great fun making their medicines, luckily we didn't drink them!!


Discovery class have been having lots of fun producing artwork around their theme of 'Autumn.' 


The boys in the Base have had a lovely time celebrating 'Day of the Dead.'

They made masks, decorated biscuits and had party food!!


Coming soon...

Manor Road, Manchester, Lancashire, M34 7SW, United Kingdom